School Bus


Communication to and fro is made convenient. There are school buses plying near your home. Students are dropped at the campus by 9.30 am and are picked by 1.15 pm from the campus. Each bus has a male conductor and a lady staff to take care of students in the bus in addition to the driver.


       Route No.



Begur, Vishwapriya Layout, Hongasandra, C.M.C. Building, Bommanahalli, RoopenaAgrahara, Madiwala


Lalji Nagar, Adugodi Police Quarters, KoramangalaKalyanaMantapa, Koramangala Police Station, Koramangala 80ft. Road.


Adugodi Post Office, Anepalya, Vinayaka Nagar, Mary Immaculate School, Wilson Garden Police Station, Lakkasandra.


L.I.C Colony (Modi Care Medicals). Byrasandra, Jayanagar (Vivekananda Circle), Rajeev Gandhi Hospital, G.N.R. Kalyanamantapa, Ragigudda Main Road, East End, B.D.A. Qtrs, N.S. Palaya (Aravind Medicals), B.T.M. 16th Main (Police Station), Carmel School Road.